Thursday, December 23, 2010

How To Manual Active Mount And Blade Tomos unique manga. A personal recommendation.

eral, different genres and authors with disparate styles, but none of them can be regarded as "shoddy." The less, the worst is entertaining.

Under the Air

, Osamu Tezuka.

Like many of the volumes here is a collection of short stories Tezuka master of Nazi Germany by taking them to a futuristic setting or anything that fits in your imagination, which would provide everything. The drawing is old yes, but I am of the opinion that everyone should read at least one work by this author.

Come, Take the Jewels

, Yoshihiro Tatsumi. CHT
Four short stories. From the climb to the top and fall of a boxer's life tramps. Mediocrity told with a certain harshness and well done narrative.

, Jiro Taniguchi.

Taniguchi is great but do not put here everything I've read it, which unfortunately still is not much because I do not have money, I prefer
Tracker. It's like the urban action movie I'd like to see if these films have some depth and a good script.
A climber must take care to find the daughter of a friend who has disappeared. From there we follow his odiis in the strange to him, Tokyo, for once we see more objectively than idealized in a manga.

The Carriages
, Hiroaki Samura.

Brutal. Cruel. Without any concessions to the reader more than once makes you lift your head and ask yourself what the heck happens to the world. A terrible story, however, could occur. In fact it is likely that a version of it is happening right now in the nearest town.
Not for the soul, or stomach, sensitive.

Women of the Dark Room

; MinetarĂ´ Mochizuki.

do not know what's wrong with Japanese horror that I usually, in the vernacular, acojonar truth. What would be a typical story of a strange woman harassing a typical student something that would bring me bud hove here disturbs me. The same is because it Mochizuki and knows how to create tension with a pair of frightened eyes flat in strategic bullets.
Finally, and good horror manga.

The Strange Case of Panorama Island

, Suehiro Maruo.

Based on a story by Edogawa RANPA, something like the Arthur Conan Doyle Japanese shows that Maruo is infinitely more palatable when you put your pencils (great) the service of a foreign script. Work m
, Hajime Araizumi Kanzaka and Rui.

heroic fantasy thug + comedy + some spice. Somewhere between the novels and anime. This truth I'm posting because I really like Slayers ... XD is a compilation of short stories that can be read without knowing much of the world of Slayers. Given that all the people of my generation has seen at least one chapter in the 2, the nostalgia can also be a factor in favor.

Lobo, Yuji Fukuyama.

Mix suspense with the supernatural component of lycanthropy and, Surprisinglyyou, comedy. The result is a very entertaining comic with a fast pace and drawing more than acceptable.


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