Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hallee Hirsh In Bikini

TMLXC Xiao Fan (I called Inari). It is very nice, especially the hair, eyes and contrast is very smooth. But he has articulated neck.

Now the 2 together:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ticker 시리얼


up, walk down to Japan, I could take pictures of some posters that I have made of stone. Some, unfortunately I could not picture them out, but here you have other gems of Japanese poster.

With the number 26. It is a cartel, but served as advertising for a store: THE MAFI . I'll have to start asking the copyrights for my cats!

with number 25. shared a taxi with EWAN McGREGOR , Believe it or not. The funny thing is the poster / sticker itself ... if that had stuck in the cristamore in the shops that will give away cuchadores??

With 17 : SI SE LE CAE EL SOMBRERO the track, we look forward to use tweezers RARE NOT FIT FOR ANYTHING MORE, SO LET U.S. KNOW. We all can happen.

Number 16 : OBAMA RETURNS. I said that Obama is a bit over-exploited ... but ... put as Darth Veida opportunity to promote auto parts ... let me back into the air!

The 15 : OK ... are not exactly poster ... but ... WHAT ARE E CUYONSSTOS?? And my biggest question is ... EntreMed TRYING TO OWNERS TAKING THESE RESTAURANTS IN YOUR PETS IN THE DOOR. 15.1 The camouflaged Penguin Halloween

15.2 The rat zombie (or as he calls himself ... the anti-Mickey Mouse)


; mere 14 : THE GIRL tricephalous. When you cross the road, take those two extra heads Etrasa he kept his ears ...
On 13.


A sign in the middle ofa street that says blood types and several dates there ... I do not understand ... With 12


... At first glance it may seem that what the poster says is forbidden to carry weapons ... but no! What you wear says the cap is nice and clean ... these Japanese always so careful in hygiene!
going on 11:


. Here you have the 2009 calendarPolice ... For starters I would say, auque is 2009, looks to carry that Franco was there from horn and continue ... it's OK to show all its facets ... police the streets of karate, that of flight attendant and the fishmonger ... On 10

. The one that disturbs me! This poster bears more color than before, that's OK, but ... What we mean ... why there are two cops surrounded by a heart of photos ??????? Another sign that triumphed in Spain ... Fixed!

perhéroe American and Indiana Jones ... let us know as soon as possible ...
Number 6

throw CANE. Estafeta is? Is St. Nicholas?? NO! It Kichijouji !!!!! Giving it all!
Number 5 :

DEGREE IN RECYCLING. These two posters as beautiful and well explained are the instructions to make recycling at home. With relevant schedules (schedule here is garbage) and how you have to package it ... If this to happen in Spain ... not recycled or those of Green Peace, that fool!

Issue 4: MORE USEFUL SIGNAL OF A SATURDAY NIGHT . In the middle of the road to Kamakura, where they were supposed to be a pedestrian crossing signal, a signal light and a nearby school ... all have been replaced by a parking lot, a nightclub, an Indian restaurant and a bottle of beer. Sure, living on road safety! Yes the road s illegal to drive over 80 km / h on any road!

Number 3 : NOT GO AGAINST THE COMMON SENSE . No qualms atthe deer away and not chase them with sticks. (You should then put: If you want to give up his ass but good)

Issue 2: PIGS Pamplona!! is neither a sign nor an insult, is what you see at the exit of JR Ueno. A pig with a tissue of San Fermin. Because we are worth it. Number 1: My favorite of all time. The one I tooooodas morning and is at the door of my elevator: CARE LIFT WITH CRAB . You see, on my elevator does not penguins, but there are crabs. These japyou making posters unexplained ... not win one!!