*-* oh well today was the main day of Corpus, long ago so I do not stay in the square xD, and so my head hurts>.> \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;too hot, good does not matter, as the Cusco whole party is walking the streets is almost impossible): it took thirty minutes to get Q ' was at the Plaza de Armas and is only a block D:
Well worth -3 -
Now the santitos:
First Float
CH 8DUTMLXC suffered to take the photo XX that people crowd much
is supposed to represent the body of Christ 8DU but does not look good that I did not zoom B |
Now San Antonio Abad \u0026lt;3
is the first to come through the door of the cathedral, is a character ma ; or less 40 years holding a book in one hand and a scepter in the other those who are young married loaded as a patron of bachelors and the side is a cerdito \u0026lt;3 is the patron of herdsmen.
San Pedro:
The first of the apostles, in the neck is the papal cross and his right hand holds the keys to heaven.
Carpenter of Nazareth, the Christ child is walking by his side both holding hands. Sale of the church of Bethlehem along with the Virgin of Bethlehem.
Major appears in ashiny white steed aggressively passing over his victim, represented by the Moors, and brandishes a sword in his right hand.
neighborhood pattern that bears his name, together with their children around.
leaves the cathedral with the same name, by the way of Qollasuyo in his hands a pen and a book.
San Crist
Virgin of Bethlehem:
have more prestige than other virgins to be kind and grant miracles
remedies also wears a golden crown.
Virgen Natividad:
An angel carries a parasol to protect her and have the baby Jesus in arms
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