Crude 40 years." Bon Voyage! is a time of great advances in the means of locomotion, especially in the car, which is becoming more widespread and also the production line everything in general (food, clothing, toys ...) factories and the chain are more common production method. In the picture an assembly line of the Morris Motors in 1930.
most spectacular photos of the decade belongsn no doubt the rise of Italian fascism and German. In the picture, a picture of the famous Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass)
the 11/11/1938 in which German Jewish merchants suffered a terrible attack in its stores and houses. More than 90 were killed ... is just a little warning of the German pogroms, the Jewish ghettos y. .. a preview of the concentration camps. As can be seen on the face of some people ... the situation seems more comic than dramatic.
- Hitler denounces the plight of Germany, unemployment, famine ... and the quantitiesparades. I do not mean anything, but I still see a great similarity between Mussolini and Berlus ... that.
- counterpoint. Mohandas Gandhi is the
- peaceful opposition to the reign of the British Empire in India. The slaughter that China suffered at the hands of Japan resulted in the Sino-Japanese war
- lasted 7 years (1931-1938) in which China was constantly bombarded, although attacks intensified in 1937. Japan had not yet been amasacrada with atomic bombs and was a country with a large military force. In the photo, orn lots of Chinese citizens contemplating a bombing in Shanghai. Another heavyweight of the 30's. Franklin Delano Roosevelt promised in 1932 with his New Deal
- The political scandal-loving
- , beating an Olympic record Berlín'36 and German athlete Lutz Long and leaving Hitler with anger rather than uppercase. Owens took 4 medals, Hitler an escape in the opposite direction to the Olympic Stadium. Hahahaha! I tip my hat to Mr. Owens. espctaculo In the world of shining stars like Vivian Leigh, Judy Garland, Greta Garbo, Charles Chaplin ... and above
- A cur